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Sunday, 21 June 2015


Welcome to the shiny new website for the Bowcroft Parents Action Committee. We're excited to see you here! Please feel free to browse around the site, just know while you're browsing that the site is definitely still under construction and won't be fully up and running until Fall 2015.

Be sure to make note of some really cool aspects of our site. For example, if you click on the calendar tab at the top of the site, you will see a calendar that will not only keep you up to date about what BPAC is up to, but also important school dates like when there is no school and when concerts and other event will be taking place.

We are really hoping that this site will help with communication with Bowcroft parents, teachers and staff.

Friday, 5 June 2015

June 2015 Minutes

Bowcroft School Council and BPAC Meeting 
June 1 2015, 7:00pm 
Location: Library 

Chairperson - Tara Neish 
Co-Chairperson - Shian Hunt 
Secretary - Teryn Aurini 
Treasurer - Susanne Morris 
Fundraising Coordinator - Barb Rocca 
Casino Coordinator - Barb Rocca 
Volunteer Coordinator - Trish Braaten 
Key Communicator - Janis Giroux 
Kids Up Front Rep - Karen Larrivee 

Attendees: Cheryl, Chris, Heike, Janis, Lia, Matt, Petra, Shian, Tara, Teryn, Vicki 
Total Attendees: 11

Call to order: 7:03  

Minutes approved by: Janis, Tara seconds. 

Administration: Matt & Cheryl

• It’s June, and the election brought a big change. The government has announced that it will put 1.03 million back into education. The money won't be coming until September, but the board will be looking to hire teachers! 
• In regards to what we’re doing with our staffing - we have 12 teachers, we might get one more in September, we have accounted for people going out of the school but not counting on any new students just yet. We’ll look at it again in September and (hopefully) add that 13th teacher right away! It wont change much because we now have Cheryl and Tammy working in the classroom. We do have 1 German bilingual and a .5 kindergarten position that we need to fill. 
• Our hours are tentative but are firming up as we go, some of the dates have not been confirmed (trickster, inline skating). Labour day is September 7th, picture day September 11th. The hours will change slightly, we finish at 3:15 not 3:25. Fees and transportation information have gone home today. One of the pieces is congregated stops for the kids, busing is always a challenge. We are looking for money for June 26th Sports Day, events starting about nine, lunch arriving at 10:50? That’s a bit early, and the kids wont want to sit down and eat - we could do snacks instead? Great Idea - Shian can get freezies :-) for about 300 
• In the office we’ve been working really hard on our budget. We had bills being double paid, things being incorrectly coded. We are up about $4000, we have $15,000 that we are able to spend on needed things in the school. Thank you for the $6000 for the kindergarten room, we’d like to purchase one smart board with that for room 15, and as a school we’ll purchase a portable one for room 16 in the morning and the other classrooms for the afternoon, we will also buy another one for the computer hallway (room 1). 
• The portable ones can move up and down to adjust to the kids height. 
• The kindergarten wish list did go out to parents but we’ve had no response, so we are resubmitting the request for funding. 
• We have had some parents come in and room 19 is starting to get organized as well as the art room! 
• Also, the inside of the hallways will be painted. We will lose the wonderful artwork but not before they will be heavily photographed and documented. We will work with the kids to come up with some ideas for the new design. 
• Our outside renovations have been put on hold. 
• We would like to book alien inline for next year, it costs about $4500. 
• Our welcome to kindergarten evening had about 100 people attend, we served a lasagna dinner for $160, it was a great night! 

Key Communicator: Janis 

• CAPSC is having a volunteer appreciation award at our next meeting on the 17th. This is Janis’s and Heike’s last meeting :-( Janis has been at Bowcroft for 11 years! 
• Thank you both for all your hard work and dedication over the years - we will miss you!!! 

Meeting Closed: 7:30 

BPAC Meeting 
June 1 2015, 8:00pm 
Location: Library 

Chairperson - Tara Neish 
Co-Chairperson - Shian Hunt 
Secretary - Teryn Aurini 
Treasurer - Susanne Morris 
Fundraising Coordinator - Barb Rocca 
Casino Coordinator - Barb Rocca 
Volunteer Coordinator - Trish Braaten 
Key Communicator - Janis Giroux 
Kids Up Front Rep - Karen Larrivee

Attendees: Cheryl, Chris, Heike, Janis, Lia, Matt, Petra, Shian, Tara, Teryn, Vicki 
Total Attendees: 11 

Meeting opened: 7:30 

Casino Coordinator: Barb 
• We have our next casino on December 9th and 10th, we will be looking for volunteers for that. 

Old Business 
• Teacher’s lunch, Vicki heard from Alex at salt & pepper - 19/person (30 people) 
• Lia heard from the rustic sourdough, meat and cheese platters, baking free delivery under $500 with sandwich spreads 
• Big T’s is also an option 
• We have a staff member doing a teacher trade, moving to a different school on the 29th. Can we do the lunch on Tuesday the 30th? We have one ed assistant leaving (maybe - funding), one teacher, our temporary teacher…maybe 3 all together. 

New Business 
• For next year we will have positions vacant, our treasurer Susanne would like to step down now and then mentor the next treasurer while she still has a student attending Bowcroft. Janis will no longer be key communicator as her student moves to junior high in the fall. 
• Vote on Funding Snack for Sports day: Tara motions that BPAC purchase snacks for sports day, up to $300, Janis seconds, all in favour, motion passed 
• Vicki motions that we approve the $4500 from next years budget for the inline skating residency, Shian seconds, all in favour, motion passed. 

Meeting adjourned at: 7:45