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Chair: Lia Haus
This is Lia's first year on the BPAC executive. By trade, Lia is a professional organizer and is looking forward to using her skills this year for BPAC. Lia has two kids enrolled at Bowcroft, in grades 4 and 1.

Co-Chair: Tara Neish

Secretary: Teryn Aurini

Treasurer: Tamara Ross
This is Tamara's first year as part of BPAC. She is looking forward to contributing to the Bowcroft community and BPAC team. Tamara has been a Bowcroft parent for four years and she has two children currently attending the English program; in grades 4 and 2.

Casino Coordinator: Barb Rocca

Volunteer Coordinator: Trish Braaten

Parent Liaison: Naomi Robinson

Key Communicator: Fran Lochbihler
This is Fran's first year on the executive and she is looking forward to making some positive changes in the way BPAC communicates with both the teachers and the community. Fran has two kids enrolled at Bowcroft, in grades 4 and 2.