Bowcroft School Council and BPAC Meeting
November 2 2015, 7:00pm
Location: Library
Chairperson - Lia Haus
Co-Chairperson - Tara Neish
Secretary - Teryn Aurini
Treasurer - Tamara Ross
Fundraising Coordinator -
Casino Coordinator - Barb Rocca
Volunteer Coordinator - Trish Braaten
Key Communicator - Fran Lochbihler
Attendees: Barb, Becky, Chris, Fran, George, Lia, Sonja, Tamara, Tara, Teryn, Trish, Wayne, Matt
Total Attendees: 13
Call to order: 7:11
October Minutes approved by: Trish, Barb seconds
Administration - Matt
• Barb is back! We’re so happy to get our admin team back together and to get back on track in the office!
• One of our ed assistants (Helen) has resigned from the school and has moved to Invermere.
• We will be looking to hire a replacement (1 to replace Helen and another .5).
• Our We Scare Hunger food drive was the most successful we’ve ever had! Some of our students went to We Day in accordance with this. Rae Ann got to go as a volunteer, it was an exciting and inspiring day!
• The art room has been cleared out and painted and will be converted to an aboriginal pre-start program (pre-kindergarten). This ties into one of the initiatives the CBE is currently undertaking is to help increase the rate of graduation for first nations students (currently at 12%).
• Upon completion of the pre-start program these students will join our school community in kindergarten.
• The CBE has given us money towards a teacher, as well as to upgrade the wireless infrastructure and provide coaches for first nation students in high school.
• We received .6 of a teacher, some schools got more but could not accommodate an increase in staff and requested that they give that bit to another school. We are now getting a .8 teacher (which equates to a Monday-Thursday staffing position). We are going to use this to focus on literacy, and looking at bringing in a teacher to help throughout the school in smaller group and individual settings.
• We are expecting this teacher to arrive sometime between November 16 and December 1.
• Tanya in kindergarten has written a proposal for Spark Bikes. A local donor has given us the money for 6 bikes ($4500)!
• She also helped Erna with the Indigo Adopt-a-School program which brought in over 200 new books.
Volunteer Coordinator - Trish
• Book fair went really well, we exceeded our goal of $3000 and sold $3848.46 worth of books!
• We got $2531.29 in rewards!
• Trish would like to have another book fair, the week before spring break to coincide with Parent-Teacher conferences. She will contact scholastic tomorrow morning.
• Trish went to the Kids Up Front orientation, it was a great! The big take aways were that they offer three programs; people who can’t use tickets (the most popular), kids count (box seats for Hockey games etc - could we tie this into Hockey Heroes?), and the pay it forward project (teachers nominate students to receive an award, this could tie into ROARS and citizenship).
• Another thing Trish learned is that the more contacts we have for our organization, the better. Trish is looking for volunteers to assist with the program. The only thing about pickup is that there is a lot of construction right now at the Kids Up Front office and no parking spot. Tamara can help with pick up.
Meeting Closed: 8:03pm
BPAC Meeting
November 2 2015, 8:00pm
Location: Library
Chairperson - Lia Haus
Co-Chairperson - Tara Neish
Secretary - Teryn Aurini
Treasurer - Tamara Ross
Fundraising Coordinator -
Casino Coordinator - Barb Rocca
Volunteer Coordinator - Trish Braaten
Key Communicator - Fran Lochbihler
Attendees: Barb, Becky, Chris, Fran, George, Lia, Sonja, Tamara, Tara, Teryn, Trish, Wayne, Matt
Total Attendees: 13
Meeting opened: 8:04pm
Treasurer - Tamara
• We have $95,000 in our accounts.
• We have a few opportunities to go to AGLC training sessions coming up.
AGEC Update - Sonja
• Thank you to all the volunteers who helped during our Casino!
• AGEC has written a cheque for 16803.95 to BPAC for AGLC approved funds.
• We will be holding a German Book Fair during the bilingual Christmas Concert on Tuesday, December 15th, from 6:00-8:30pm.
• Wednesday November 11th will be the St.Martin’s parade at Edworthy Park at 5:30pm. Bring your lanterns and dress for the weather!
• The European Film Festival will be held from November 12th-15th. AGEC is showing a German movie on the 15th.
Casino Coordinator - Barb
• Barb has 7 shifts that still need to be filled. Please let her know if you or someone you know can help. You do not need to have your security clearance to volunteer at the casino.
• Can we post the available shifts online?
• Barb will be including this in the newsletter.
Parent Liaison - Naomi (not in attendance)
• Naomi would like to act as a bridge for the two parents and to be a contact for parents questions or concerns. She can be reached at:
New Business
• Lia motions that our Christmas fundraiser be Poinsettias, Trish seconds, all in favour motion passed. All the orders will be taken online, with the delivery date being December 9th.
• We also have a beautiful Quilt by Didi to raffle off during the Christmas concerts.
• Lia motions that we sell coffee and cookies in the cafeteria during the concerts, Tara seconds, all in favour motion passed.
Old Business
• Trish amends the motion to approve the $8965 for the Trickster residency, Barb seconds, all in favour motion passed.
Vote on Funding
• George motions that we approve the 2015/16 wish list to a total of $43,378, including: $4000 for the German Showcase, $1700 for Math resources, $1000 for art supplies, $3600 for Field Trips ($300/class), $3000 for the Library, $1650 for IXL Math Program, $850 for RAZ Kids, $2400 for Teachers Discretionary ($200/teacher), $400 for Principal’s Discretionary, $1000 for Music Program Supports, $1000 for Physical Education Equipment, $8965 for the Trickster Arts Residency, $3000 for in-school Music Performances, $5313 for the Alien In-Line Physical Education Residency and $6000 for one Light Ray Projector, Wayne seconds, all in favour, motion passed.
Meeting Closed at: 8:20pm